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东莞江伟机械科技有限公司是一家长期致力于研发、生产与销售自动化机械零部件的生产加工。主要产品有:镀铬精密细长轴(镀铬棒、活塞杆、直线光轴、空心镀铬管、镀铬滚筒)、滚珠丝杆、直线导轨、直线轴承、直线滑动单元等机械自动化零部件,以及CNC加工、数控车加工、龙门铣加工、龙门平面磨加工的私人经营,总部设在东莞市,东莞市金弗斯机械拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。东莞市金弗斯机械的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临东莞市金弗斯机械参观、指导和业务洽谈。GFC(Dongguan)Metal Machinery specialized production precise thin major axis, the connecting rod, the craft uses Leng Jingba, the correct grinding and the high accuracy polishing advanced craft manufacture, may use in the cylinder, the cylinder piston rod, the guide rod, the guide pillar, the guide shaft directly, and widely uses in professions and so on textile machinery, mining machinery, engine bed and automobile. The company has the complete production facilities, advanced exquisite production craft; Strict standard physics and... [详细介绍]